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Multi-Aperture Fourier ptychographic microscopy (MA-FPM) is a novel microscopy platform capable of realizing gigapixel complex field images with large data acquisition bandwidths – in gigapixels per second. MA-FPM is a synthetic aperture technique; an array of objectives together with tilt-shift illumination are used to synthesize high-resolution, wide field-of-view images. Here, the phase is recovered using Fourier ptychography (FP) algorithms, unlike conventional optical synthetic aperture techniques where holographic measurements are required. The parallel data-acquisition capability due to multiple objectives provide unprecedented bandwidth enabling imaging of high-speed in vitro processes over extended depth-of-field. We hope our technique can provide a new imaging tool to study cell cultures providing new insights into these processes.


Photonics West 2017 Conference presentation video


Key publications:


Multi-camera Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy

T. Aidukas, P. C. Konda, J. M. Taylor, and A. R. Harvey, in Imaging and Applied Optics 2019 (COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper CW3A.4.


Parallelized aperture synthesis using multi-aperture Fourier ptychographic microscopy

P.C. Konda, J.M. Taylor and A.R. Harvey, in arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.02317, 2018.


Scheimpflug multi-aperture Fourier ptychography: coherent computational microscope with gigapixels/s data acquisition rates using 3D printed components

Pavan Chandra Konda, Jonathan M. Taylor, Andrew R. Harvey, in Proc. SPIE 10076, High-Speed Biomedical Imaging and Spectroscopy: Toward Big Data Instrumentation and Management II, 100760R (22 February 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2251884;


Multi-aperture Fourier Ptychography imaging in the near field

P. Konda, J. Taylor, and A. R. Harvey, in Imaging and Applied Optics 2015, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2015), paper CM3E.5.


A cellular-resolution image of several square centimeters field-of-view is conventionally captured by scanning the sample across the microscope's field-of-view, which takes a long time! Taking advantage of the reduction in camera pixel sizes, a micro-camera camera array was developed where we can capture a 600 square centimeter area at 11 microns resolutions â€‹in a single snapshot. We are using this technology to image freely behaving model organisms such as zebrafish larvae, C. elegans etc. Possible imaging modalites include transmission, reflection, fluorescence and polarization. This system also has the capability of stereo vision, providing accurate depth of the sample. MCAM concept was invented by Dr. Horstmeyer and Dr. Harfouche. This technology is commercialized by Ramona Optics.


Ramona Optics website


Related publications:


Imaging the behavior and neural activity of freely moving organisms with a gigapixel microscope

M. Harfouche, T. W. Dunn, E. A. Naumann, and R. Horstmeyer, in Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences Congress 2019 (BODA,BRAIN,NTM,OMA,OMP), The Optical Society (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper BT3A.3.


Depth tracking using a multi-aperture microscope

L. Zhong, P. C. Konda, M. Harfouche, and R. Horstmeyer, "Depth tracking using a multi-aperture microscope," in Imaging and Applied Optics 2019 (COSI, IS, MATH, pcAOP), OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper CTh4A.2.


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